Reax, Rejuvenate & Re-Energise
Yoga are the physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that aim to transform body and mind.
The word yoga comes from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language. It is derivation of the word yuj, which means yoking, as in a team of oxen. In contemporary practice, this is often interpreted as meaning union. Yoga is said to be for the purpose of uniting the mind, body, and spirit.
Yoga physiology described human as existing of three bodies (physical, subtle and casual) and five sheets (food sheets, prana-breath, mind sheet, intellect, and bliss) which cover the atman, and energy flowing through energy channels and concentrated in chakras.
Yoga is a non-religious practice that supports the unification of mind and body on a journey towards spiritual and physical wellness. It can greatly enhance the health of mind and body and leads to a peaceful inner awareness by:
- Reducing tension, depression, anger and anxiety
- Increasing flexibility, vitality and concentration level
- Promoting restful sleep
- Maintaining good physical and mental health
- Exercising the glands, organs and endocrine system
- Lengthening the muscles, tendons and ligaments
- Keeping blood oxygen at an optimum level
With diligent practice, you will experience the health, energy and vitality that yoga can bring into your life.
Asana Yoga is a form of yoga comprising of physical postures that are practiced togerther with deep breathing to allow a full and deep relaxation of the body, while increasing blood flow and oxygen to the area being worked on.
Asana will also strengthen, balance and stabilize the body. Using different movements and postures, the Asana practice uses the physical body as a primary focus for integration. It has certain therapeutic effects, even going so far as to gently massage the internal organs.
The mental well-being of the student is also enhanced as each posture requires the student to incorporate proper breathing and mental concentration. Not only will you feel more physically fit, you will also experience clarity of mind. It also helps to cure disorders of the nervous system generally bringing peace of mind.
For an effective Asana practice that results in a steadiness and comfort, strength and flexibility:
- Understand and appreciate the connection between your body, breath and mind.
- Evaluate your resistence to the proposed practice in terms of your body breath and mind.
Use your breath to recognize and reduce resistence, to evaluate the intelligence of your effort, and to determine whether you are accomplishing your aim.
Class Schedule:-
Monday Evening Class – 7.15pm to 8.30pm
Tuesday Morning Class – 10.15am to 11.45am
Fees: S$25 per class or S$160 for a block of 8 lessons (10 weeks Validity)
Please bring your own mat.
To Register :-
Whatsapps – +65 97908419
Phone – +65 64684991
Yoga Teachers